JEMRIS 2.9.2
open-source MRI simulations
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EddyPulse Class Reference

Prototype of an Eddy pulse. More...

#include <EddyPulse.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for EddyPulse:
+ Collaboration diagram for EddyPulse:

Public Member Functions

 EddyPulse ()
 Default constructor.
 ~EddyPulse ()
 Default destructor.
 EddyPulse (const EddyPulse &)
 Default copy constructor.
void Init ()
 initialize .
EddyPulseClone () const
virtual bool Prepare (PrepareMode mode)
 Prepare the hard RF pulse.
bool Insert (PrepareMode mode)
 Insert EddyCurrent pulse in sequence tree.
bool Convolve ()
 compute the convolution kernel
double GetAreaNumeric (int steps)
 compute the area of the eddy currents
double GetLingerTime ()
 Get linger time of the eddy current (eddy current duration outside its parent atom)
double GetParentDuration ()
 Get duration of the parent atom of this eddy current.
virtual void GetValue (double *dAllVal, double const time)
virtual double GetGradient (double const time)
virtual void SetTPOIs ()
 Allows non-equdistant setting of ADCs via Shape attribute (GiNaC formula)
void SetGenPulse (GradPulse *pulse)
 Set the pulse which generates the eddy currents.
GradPulseGetGenPulse ()
 Get the pulse which generates the eddy currents.
AtomicSequenceGetParentAtom ()
 Get the AtomicSequence in which eddy currents were generated.
- Public Member Functions inherited from GradPulse
 GradPulse ()
virtual ~GradPulse ()
 GradPulse (const GradPulse &)
virtual bool PrepareNLGfield (PrepareMode mode)
 Preparation of Nonlinear Gradient fields.
virtual bool PrepareEddyCurrents (PrepareMode mode, int steps=5000)
 Calculate Eddy Currents of this Gradient.
double GetAreaNumeric (int steps)
 get the area of this gradient pulse by numerical integration.
void SetArea (double val)
 Set the area of this gradient pulse.
void SetNonLinGradField (double const time)
 Set the nonlinear gradient field term World::NonLinGradField.
bool HasNonLinGrad ()
 Check, whether this gradient is nonlinear.
virtual void GenerateEvents (std::vector< Event * > &events)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Pulse
 Pulse ()
 Construct and initialise some values.
virtual ~Pulse ()
 Default destructor.
 Pulse (const Pulse &)
 Copy constructor.
virtual void GetValue (double *dAllVal, double const time) const
void SetDuration (double val)
 Set the duration of this pulse.
double GetDuration ()
void SetAxis (const PulseAxis eAxis)
 Set the Axis of propagation of this pulse.
PulseAxis GetAxis () const
 Get the Axis of propagation of this pulse.
int GetNADC ()
void SetNADC (int nadc)
 Set number of ADCs.
int GetADCFlag ()
void SetADCFlag (int adcflag)
 Set ADC flag.
double GetInitialDelay ()
 Get delay in respect of the AtomicSequence holding this pulse.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Module
 Module ()
virtual ~Module ()
 Module (const Module &)
 Copy constructor.
void Initialize (DOMNode *node)
 Initialize this module.
ModuleGetParent ()
 Get Parent.
virtual int GetNumOfTPOIs ()
 Get the Number of TPOIs of this module.
vector< Module * > GetChildren () const
 Get Children.
vector< Module * > GetChildrenDynamic () const
 Get Children dynamic (old non-cached version for dynamic events such as eddy currents)
ModuleGetChild (unsigned int position) const
 Get Child.
int GetNumberOfChildren () const
 Get number of Children.
bool InsertChild (const string &name)
 Insert Child.
virtual ModuleGetPrototypeByAttributeValue (string name, string attrib)
 Get a Prototype by value of an attribute.
bool AddDOMattribute (const string attribute, const string value)
 Add attribute and value to the DOM node of this module.
void AddAllDOMattributes (bool show_hidden=true)
virtual TPOIGetTPOIs ()
 get the TPOIs of this module
void DumpTree (const string &file="", Module *mod=NULL, int ichild=0, int level=0)
 Dump the sequence tree.
int GetDepth (int depth=0)
 Return tree depth from this module (including depth of Containers)
int GetHardwareMode ()
 Return the hardware mode of this module.
bool WriteStaticXML (const string &xml_file)
 Rewrite XML-tree where all expressions are evaluated (for IDEA)
bool StaticDOM (DOMDocument *doc, DOMNode *node, bool append=true)
 Create a DOM tree where all expressions are evaluated (for IDEA)
void SetSeqTree (SequenceTree *pST)
SequenceTreeGetSeqTree ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Prototype
 Prototype ()
virtual ~Prototype ()
 Default destructor.
 Prototype (const Prototype &)
 Default copy constructor.
bool IsPrepared ()
 Check if the Prototype is prepared.
void SetName (string name)
 Set the name of this module.
DOMNode * GetNode ()
 Get the DOMNode of this module.
void SetNode (DOMNode *node)
 Set the DOMNode of this module.
string GetClassType ()
 Get the class type of this prototype.
Type GetType ()
 Get the module type of this module.
string GetDOMattribute (const string attribute)
 Get attribute value from the DOMNode.
bool HasDOMattribute (const string attribute)
 Check, if attribute exists in DOM node of this module.
AttributeGetAttribute (string name)
 Get an Attribute.
void CopyObservers (Attribute *a1, Attribute *a2)
 Copy observers from one attribute to another.
bool HasAttribute (string name)
 Check if an attribute exist.
void HideAttribute (string attrib, bool observable=true)
 Hide an attribute.
string GetName ()
 Get the name of this module.
bool Observe (Attribute *attrib, string prot_name, string attrib_name, bool verbose)
 Set up the list of observations.
bool Observe (Attribute *attrib, string prot_name, string attrib_name, string attrib_keyword, bool verbose)
template<typename T >
bool Notify (const T &val)
 Notify all observers of an attribute.
template<typename T >
bool NewState (const T &val)
 Check the state of an attribute.
vector< double > * GetVector ()
 Each Prototype has a double vector as a private member, which values can be filled through XML and accessed from attributes within the same Prototype.
- Public Member Functions inherited from TxRxPhase
 TxRxPhase ()
virtual ~TxRxPhase ()
 Default destructor.
void SetInitialPhase (double val)
 Get phase of this pulse.
bool GetPhaseLock ()
 Get phase lock of this pulse.
void SetPhaseLock (bool bval)
 Set phase lock of this pulse.
double GetInitialPhase ()
 Get initial phase of this pulse.
double GetFrequency ()
 Get constant frequency for linear phase terms.
void SetFrequency (double val)
 Set constant frequency for linear phase terms.

Protected Member Functions

virtual string GetInfo ()

Private Attributes

double m_dt
double m_linger_time
double m_area_gen_pulse
int m_length
vector< double > m_kernel
 Convolution kernel for EC calculation.
vector< double > m_eddy
 the eddy current
bool m_prepared
 status whether eddy currents were succesfully prepared
 The pulse which generates the eddy currents.
 The parent atom.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Prototype
static bool ReplaceString (string &str, const string &s1, const string &s2)
 A global sub-string replacer.
static bool ReplaceSymbolString (string &str, const string &s1, const string &s2)
 A global sub-string replacer which replaces only complete symbol strings.
static vector< string > Tokenize (const string &str, const string &delimiters=",")
 A global string tokenizer.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TxRxPhase
static double getLinearPhase (Module *mod, double time)
 A general purpose linear additive phase term.
- Protected Attributes inherited from GradPulse
double m_slew_rate
 The slewrate of this gradient pulse.
double m_max_ampl
 The maximum amplitude of this gradient pulse.
double m_rise_time
 The constant rise time of this gradient pulse.
double m_area
 The area of the gradient pulse.
bool m_non_lin_grad
 A flag for nonlinear gradients.
double m_nlg_field
 Nonlinear gradient field (NLG)
double m_nlg_px
 x-position to compute the NLG field
double m_nlg_py
 y-position to compute the NLG field
double m_nlg_pz
 z-position to compute the NLG field
double m_nlg_val
 gradient value to compute the NLG field
bool m_eddy_currents
 A flag for nonlinear gradients.
double m_eddy_time
 time of eddy current
double m_eddy_val
 value of eddy current
double m_ec_area
 area of eddy current
int m_ec_length
 convolution length of eddy current
 pulse for eddy currents
bool m_hide
 Hide this gradient (not played out, but its ECs!)

- Protected Attributes inherited from Pulse
PulseAxis m_axis
int m_adc
int m_adc_flag
double m_initial_delay
- Protected Attributes inherited from Module
 Reference to the sequence tree.
 Pointer to the sole instance of the Parameters.
TPOI m_tpoi
 Time points of interest are stored the referred repository.
string m_info
 Information string for this module.
double m_duration
 The duration of this module.
int m_calls
 Number of calls of this module.
int m_hardware_mode
 Hardware mode (-1: simulation only; 0: both; 1: hardware only)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Prototype
bool m_aux
 auxiliary helper variable for debugging purposes
bool m_prepared
 True, after the first call to Prepare.
string m_name
 Name of this Prototype.
DOMNode * m_node
 The node configuring this Module.
Type m_type
 The type of the module: one of MOD_PULSE, MOD_ATOM, MOD_CONCAT.
vector< double > m_vector
 A vector which elements are accessible through loop counters.
map< string, Attribute * > m_attributes
 Map to connect a keyword with an Attribute.
vector< Attribute * > m_obs_attribs
 Vector of observed Attributes.
vector< string > m_obs_attrib_keyword
 Vector of user-defined Attribute names.
- Protected Attributes inherited from TxRxPhase
double m_initial_phase
 Initial Phase of this phase event.
bool m_phase_lock
 Phase lock of this phase event.
double m_frequency
 A constant frequency to set linear phase terms.

Detailed Description

Prototype of an Eddy pulse.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Clone()

EddyPulse * EddyPulse::Clone ( ) const

See Prototype::Clone.

Implements Module.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetGradient()

double EddyPulse::GetGradient ( double const time)

See GradPulse::GetGradient

Implements GradPulse.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetInfo()

string EddyPulse::GetInfo ( )

Get informations

Infos for display.

Reimplemented from GradPulse.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetLingerTime()

double EddyPulse::GetLingerTime ( )

Get linger time of the eddy current (eddy current duration outside its parent atom)

linger time

◆ GetParentDuration()

double EddyPulse::GetParentDuration ( )

Get duration of the parent atom of this eddy current.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetValue()

void EddyPulse::GetValue ( double * dAllVal,
double const time )

See GradPulse::GetValue

Reimplemented from GradPulse.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Prepare()

bool EddyPulse::Prepare ( PrepareMode mode)

Prepare the hard RF pulse.

modeSets the preparation mode, one of enum PrepareMode {PREP_INIT,PREP_VERBOSE,PREP_UPDATE}.

Reimplemented from GradPulse.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetTPOIs()

void EddyPulse::SetTPOIs ( )

Allows non-equdistant setting of ADCs via Shape attribute (GiNaC formula)

See also

Reimplemented from Pulse.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_area_gen_pulse

double EddyPulse::m_area_gen_pulse

area of the generating gradient pulse

◆ m_dt

double EddyPulse::m_dt

convolution smapling interval

◆ m_length

int EddyPulse::m_length

length of the convolution kernel

◆ m_linger_time

double EddyPulse::m_linger_time

time of the EC outside the parent atom

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

-- last change 03.01.2025 | Tony Stoecker | Imprint | Data Protection --